Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Jon Stewart makes me giggle out loud.

Honestly. The man and his Daily Show are the perfect cap to my day, when I can catch it. A couple of nights ago, Stewart was pointing out how North Korea has suddenly rebuked on signing a nuclear disarm agreement Bush offered, in exchange for us to (basically) agree to not ever attack them.

A heavy issue, but one we all threw our hands up in the air with a look of sheer consternation comparable only to a case of severe diarhea when we heard they weren't going to sign. Well, most of us did, but the ones that missed it were too focused on the rise in gas prices. I swear, the world averages around $5 per gallon, and we hit $2 and everyone flipped out. Hilarious.

Anyway, I think Stewart summarized our reactions best, and the possibility that Kim Jong Il might actually have seen it was fantastic:

"I understand that Kim Jong Il enjoys western entertainment, so on the off chance that he may be watching this program, I would like to take a moment to address the Dear Leader:

Listen, f*head, you got the Bush Administration to promise not to attack you! Don't blow that! Mexico can't even get that! Every day, the Canadians check the map to make sure we didn't move the border on them overnight! We're badass, baby!"

Yeah... dunno about us being badass, but I thought it was awesome.


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